Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Josephine again

OK forget everything you read before about my statue Josephine. I had to completely gut everything I did and start again. I was just not happy with how it was turning out, so instead of moving forward it was time to scrap it all and start again. As you can see she is still a work in progress but I am liking her much more now.

I filled the bottom 18 inches of the trash can with concrete then placed her inside. After she completely sets up I will cut off the trash can. Lets see if this ghetto idea works. I am going to put one more row of bricks around the base to secure the liner to and then I will put in some pea gravel to hide the liner. It might not look like it in the photo but those bricks are level, trust. I have a bad back to prove it. lol Time to get cleaned up and off to work.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I think your plan might work...can hardly wait to see the results.. Dad
