Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We were surprised by a little duck on Halloween. She is delighted that I have yet to rake the yard. Halloween visitors were the only thing going on in the yard this weekend. I have yet to get started cleaning up the yard for winter. But looking on the bright side, I think it makes for a better fall picture. lol

One thing I have been diligent about, and that is watching the Bird of Paradise. Every day I poke my head into the winter greenhouse to see if the BOP is blooming.

I wanted to show you how I have the spare room set up for overwintering many of the plants. This is the north side of the room. Notice the BOP in the corner and the grow lights hanging overhead.

These are the east facing windows. You can see the BOP in the left corner. I
took the curtains down to not interfere with the sunlight.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall blooming

Mums that we got this year.

Mums that we got 2 years ago. I guess I should be happy that they survived at all.

I am thinking about dividing the Asters after they bloom. I need to get more fall color around the gardens.

And another photo of the yellow Plumeria. Sorry, but I never tired of them.

Put it on the list

I ran across these beauties outside the front entrance of the hospital. I had to do some research to find out exactly what they were, Giant Zanzibar Castor Plant. I must have these in my gardens. Seeds are readily available online, and for a couple of bucks. Now that is what I call some some serious bang for your buck.

I read that the leaves can get up to 3 feet wide.

Chennile plant

I had to move the Chennile plant to a brighter spot in the house. I think she has perked up a little since the move, but the jury is still out. Lets keep our fingers crossed, we have a long long time before spring.

Fall days

I wanted to post a few photos of the yard this fall. I was not expecting much of a color show this fall, because of the drought. Now if I would have only remembered to take these photos before most of them had already fallen. There is always next year.

Bird of Paradise

If you recall, I had mentioned that I would probably have more Bird of Paradise blooms in a couple of weeks. Well, it has been two weeks exactly, and I am still waiting. I am just happy that they are still showing signs of blooming, even indoors. I do have her sitting beside an east facing window, a north facing window, and below a grow light. There are two buds on the plant at the moment.

Here is the second bud.

The second bud is hidden behind the leaves on the left.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October Happenings

The grass is so lush and green. LMAO Thanks to Mother Nature we had not had any rain forever, but I will say that it rained tonight.

Hyacinth Bean
Not exactly the show stopper I was looking for. WTH, they were free seeds. I think she has pretty blooms and I love the pods. I will try it again next year, but I will find them a better home.

Before I carried all the plants in the house.

Cissus Discolor Rex Begonia Vine

One of the last warm nights to hang outside, without being bundled up.

A few random photos of the plants in the house.

The Parlor

I personally do not think it looks overcrowded. Especially considering last year.

The dining room.

The Congo Roja fits perfectly in the corner. I just hope she gets enough light.

I did have to put more plants in our bedroom this year.

Some of the flowers that were blooming when I brought them inside. This Gerber Daisy however quit blooming this summer, but for some reason she likes to be inside.

And Yessss, I am going to have more Bird of Paradise blooms. In this photo, can you see the two future blooms?

This is the first bud to pop up. She should start blooming in a couple of weeks.

The Red Plumeria is still blooming. The blooms are not quite as red now, as they were this summer. They must need more direct sunshine to turn them red.

But there is no sunshine in the parlor. She will have to make due with the grow light over her head.

The Plumeria that we got from the farmers market has finally started to bloom. I was thinking she was going to have white blooms, but as you can see, I was wrong. I am equally as happy with the yellow.

This just mean I still need to get the white Plumeria.

Since it is so close to Halloween, I thought I would post a scary picture.

It doesn't get much scarier than that.