Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunflowers and another Lily photo

I could not resist posting another photo of these lilies.

The sunflowers have finally started to bloom. Yeah!

Zinnia Madness

All of these Zinnias came from the same seed packet. That's what I enjoy about them. You never know exactly what you are going to get.

Damn Deer

I love the sweet potato vines. I think they look great when they spill out over planters or hanging over a wall. Mine however is not spilling over anything. I like to call this Sunday brunch. I was a little surprised that the deer got to this. I have this planter right next to the driveway. Being close to the cars and the house I did not think the deer would venture there. As you can see I was dead wrong. lol

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer bloomers

My sister gave me this Globe Thistle about 5 years ago. It is one thing the deer will not eat.

Pinky Winky Hydrangea
I don't know why they call this pinky winky because it doesn't really turn pink until closer to fall, and even then I wouldn't call it pink.

My first tomato of the season

I have since picked and eaten this tomato. I was quite excited and it was tasty.

More recently I picked this produce from the garden. Potatoes, carrots, green onion, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and radish. This will make an excellent dinner.

Small wonders

I decided to take some photos of blooms that are quite small but in abundance can make a huge impact.

I have this plant growing in my fountain. I just sit the planter in the center of the water fountain every year. It never disappoints.

I love how these blooms look like they are floating over the plant itself. I have said it many times. lol

Transcendentia Purple Heart

Not be grown for the blooms but they cannot be denied.


I started these from seed and this is the first one to bloom. I am hoping that next year they will be more of what I was expecting.

A Few More Lilies

I am quite excited about these lilies that have never bloomed for me. If they did, I missed it. But here they are this year.

This little beauty is just starting to open. I don't have a clue as to what she is called or even where I got her. All I can say is that I am very happy to have her in my garden.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lily seeds

Does anyone have suggestions as to when I should gather these seeds to plant? Do I plant them in the fall or spring. How long will they take to bloom from seeds.

I thought I did not have many weeds.

I said not that long ago that I did not have many weeds in most of my flower beds. As you will see I am choking on my own words. lmao

I will say that much of these piles of waste are the bloomed out lily stems.

Can you believe this mess. OMG

What is this?

My sister gave me this plant a few years ago. I think it is in the spiderwort family. But who knows.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A lazy day

This was a lazy garden day, but a very busy day. I stayed up very late last night. If you don't know, I am a huge Big Brother fan. I get possessed by the show and it sucks up a lot of my time. With that being said, I had to get up early and cook the family lunch today. It was my mothers birthday lunch. Happy Birthday Mom. Then went to work. I had time for a few photos before the company came to play cards.

I am really impressed with the lily blooms this year. I need to get more Asiatics, they are brilliant.

My Hummingbirds favorite flowers in the garden.

No blooms but this Plumeria seems to be growing like mad.

Still no red Water Lilies.

All of the Tiger Lilies are starting to really take off. A couple of these did not bloom last year so I am pleased. Even though these are blooming, I still believed they are a little stressed. The are so tall they are probably reaching for the light. Get into the light Carol Ann. I will try to get seeds from these lilies this year and place them where I want them to grow. If anyone has done this feel free to comment.

This one has to be eight foot tall.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Deer invasion

After this springs tulip fiasco, I was hoping I had seen the last of the deer drama. No such luck. As I was meandering through my garden to pick some dinner I ran across some startling evidence. apparently my scarecrow is on strike.

Looks like deer tracks to me.

They are starting to make a buffet of the green beans.

But when they start going after my peppers and my future salsa, they have went to far. It is all out war now. lmao Tonight they will get a surprise. I don't know what that surprise will be at this moment, but trust, they will be surprised. They are very selective with the peppers btw. The photo below is a variety called Chinese Giants. This is the first time I have grown these. And possibly the last.

Asiatic lilies

I hurt my arm the other day so my gardens are suffering. I had a few moments before work to snap a few photos that I wanted to share.

Day Lilies

This is the first of the Tiger Lilies to bloom.

I got these lilies from my Older sister, lol. Our Uncle Tom had given her these and she passed them on to me. I enjoy the flowers most that have been handed down from family.

I just had a few moments to snap these photos and felt like I needed to stand on my head to get this picture.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Herb bed

This might look like a bunch of weeds, but however it is mostly herbs. Granted they are growing a little out of control, there are very few weeds in this bed. Most of the weeds are violets and I don't mind them so much. I have left the Allium stalks from this springs blooms standing but I enjoy them.This planter however is a giant disgrace. I put it in the place that I wanted the Pineapple Sage, but nobody and I mean nobody had it this year. So now it is filled with some voluntary Hosta plants and clover.

This sage plant is beautiful.

The Savory and Thyme are happy bitches.

What about me?

I have no business starting a new flower bed when I have to areas that need attention. lol I plan on combining these two areas into one large bed. This grass is doing much better here but needs more sun. I think she needs divided again. I gave some to my dad two years ago and his is doing much better. I want to fill this area in front of the Forsythia all the way up to the telephone pole with flowers. I put the daffodils and peonies here earlier this year. I do need some color here in the summer. This area gets more shade than the full sun loving plants like.
I planted this Red bud tree last fall and she is still alive. Sometimes that is all you can hope for.

Weeds, weeds, and more weeds. I have the landscape fabric to combat this problem, but laziness has prevented me from laying it down.

Whats happening in the gardens.

These little guys look strange. Jack in the pulpits.

I should be ashamed, I have not put bird seed in this in two years. The good news however, the birds seem fine.
Are you over the Stargazer photos? lol Each day there is another bloom. I need to go around the yard and pull the stalks left by the day lilies.

The double impatiens have been going strong. Thanks Reggie.

I need more Japanese painted fern. These are so delicate to me. A couple more would be a big impact.
Do you see the two Hydrangea's?

Here is the second one. It is hard to see but it is there. My sister ran over it with the mower two weeks ago, but it wasn't much bigger. Clearly I need to move them, they are not happy.

I am not over the moon with these Amaranthus plants. I thought they would be a little more brilliant in color. If I grow these again, I will give them a little more nutrients and plant them closer together.

I love how the cosmos look to be floating on air.

These Zinnias are from the Biltmore seed mix. They seem to be miniatures compared to the other Zinnias.

The Celosia's are having a better showing than they did last year. Last year I did not have any germinate.