Friday, April 30, 2010

Lanai patio and gardens

After months of being stuck in the house, it is time for all the plants to take their proper place in the sun. Some of them have spent the last month in the greenhouse. Most of them did not get that privilege.
I love the edition of the drinking boy statue this year.

I think the Bird of Paradise has a perfect spot for the summer.

Not sure if I like this cluster of plants in this spot. I will have to see if it grows on me.

I am very happy with the Lanai patio this year. I have one thing missing from the photo. Its a statue that I will put out on the day of the party. I was worried that a big wind would blow her over and she would shatter into a million little pieces. I could not risk that. I will post a picture of the statue at a later time.

The backyard is has really taken shape.

Its starting to be very lush in the backyard.

I had just watered all the plants and then gave the entire area a blast with the water wand.

I still need to wash the side of the house.

Does it not look like it is ready for a Graduation Luau party. And I have not even put up the decorations.

More blooms

This Viburnam may be small, but she has more blooms than the parent plant.

I got these Iris from Missouri last April. I had no clue what color they were, I think that is what makes it more interesting. Btw I have since pulled that weed. lol

Another photo of the Bridal Veil Spirea.

The blooms of grandma's Snowball bush. She will get moved soon after the blooms fade.

A quick recap

It was a beautiful morning today. I was eager to grab the camera, and snap photos of some flowers. The lilacs are intoxicating.

A few more blooms on the water iris.

Yes, another photo of a solo Rhodo bloom. What can I say, she has never bloomed and I am proud as punch.

This girl on the other hand is putting on quite the show. She will look more amazing when I get the house washed.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Storms bring a variety of things

A few years ago, the remnants of Hurricane Ike blew over a large tree in the front yard. This large branch got stuck in a neighboring tree when it went down. It has been there ever since. I have been quite nervous about it falling on my head as I mow the lawn or just walking underneath it. I was also nervous about it falling on someones car during the party, or worse yet, falling on someone. As you can see, I do not have to worry anymore. Last night the wind decided it was time for this eye sore to hit the ground.

This is our Diablo Ninebark, and I did not realize that it bloomed. There are small buds all over this shrub. Just a matter of time before we see her bloom.

It is hard to see in this photo, but the buds on this Variegated Weigela are also getting ready to bloom.
The Korean Lilacs are days away from being in full bloom. I could not be more pleased with her display this season.

The water Iris are all starting to bloom.

Here is a photo of the Alliums getting ready for their Spring showing.

I have to get the Lily of the Valley away from the Japanese Painted Fern. She is so beautiful and needs more exposure.

With each passing day, our Rhododendron is starting to shine.

One lonely bloom on this Rhodo. I have to be happy that it is blooming at all.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Calm after the storm

It was a rainy day today and I spent most of the day inside. Thunderstorms were in and out all day today, but they always seems to be in the distance. I happened to look outside and noticed the trees blowing so hard that I thought we were getting ready for a twister. By the time I got out on the porch it seemed to have stopped. The sky was different. There was a calm in the air but also an uneasiness. If I hadn't seen the blue skies to the west I would have swore a tornado was near.

I tried to capture the atmosphere, but the photos don't do it.

It was a beautiful sky.

My photography skills at work. lol Trying to capture the stillness after the wind had stopped abruptly.

Bridal Wreath Spirea

I have had this spirea for a few years. I was trying to remember who gave it to me. Anyone remember? Who ever it was, I appreciate their kindness.

We had quite a bit of rain today, that is why the branches are almost laying on the ground. This is the first time she has really bloomed.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Rhodo bloom

I purchased this Rhododendron last fall, on clearance of course. This is the first bloom, and its covered with buds. I think she will be gorgeous.

A new home for an old stone

I went ahead and planted a few herbs this year. It is early but I think it will be OK. The giant Geode in the middle of the herb garden was a gift from my aunt Deanie. Thanks Deanie, I love it.

Deer drama

The deer are at it again. Treating my front yard as if it were their personal buffet. They decided to have a small nibble on my Tiger Lilies.

Then they walked passed my Kwanzan flowering cherry tree and grab a quick munch.

Then they made their way over to the Memory garden and devoured some newly planted Hosta's. OMG I could scream. We had some success with the pinwheels that we put in the yard. I guess they have gotten use to them. I rearranged the pinwheels in hopes to make them a little leery again. I am trying to get my hands on some wind chimes. I have heard that wind chimes helps to keep deer away.

As a foot note, I do love the deer. I realize their habitat is shrinking and they are just trying to survive. I need to plant something they love more than my flowers in hopes of saving the flowers. Until then, I will try any tip I hear about and that falls in my budget, practically free.

Surprise seedlings

I sowed Cleome seeds, aka Spider plants twice already. I did not having much success. I sowed a bunch of Cleome seeds that I harvested last fall and none had came up. Eventually about 6 came up. Then I decided to sow the remainder of the seeds I had left over from the 2008 season. Only a few came up. I was quite bummed because I loved these flowers.
I was walking through the gardens with dad yesterday when he pointed out all the little seedlings in the Heirloom garden. He asked me what they were, and I was at a loss. I had no idea. I had not planted anything in the Heirloom garden this season. I had to think about the flowers that were there last season. After a some thought and investigation work I believe that I have Cosmo and Cleome seedlings coming up, in abundance. I knew that they were perennials, however I thought that they needed a warmer climate. We had a very cold winter so this is a shock to me.

I apologize for the blurry photo, but this is a Cosmo seedling.

Here is a good photo of a larger Cleome seedling with many more smaller seedlings all around.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is this plant?

I had noticed a plant growing in a pot with one of my Dracena plants. I had no idea what it was, and was thinking it was probably a weed. I always carry all my houseplants outdoors for the summer, and thought maybe a weed seed was surfacing after spending the winter indoors. That would be my luck, having to weed out my houseplants. lmao Tonight while I was watering the houseplants I was pleasantly surprised by these little blooms. They look like a cross between a Petunia and and Torenia, what do you think?

The foliage is almost vine like and it is very velvety. If that is even a word. Any ideas?

Surprise garden tilling

My dad had surprised me today by tilling the garden. The back garden he tilled a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday he tilled the north garden. Yeah Dad!!!! Thank you!!!

I need to get the fences up and get these gardens growing.

Can't you picture this covered in newspaper. lol Just Kidding dad, I know the newspapers drove you crazy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Second chances

Here are a couple of plants that I either thought were dead, or that I was just worried about.

This Soloman's Seal is going to get some serious attention from me this season. My cousin has a wild version of this on his property. Or at least it looks like a wild version. Anyway, I want this to thrive so I need to make sure it gets everything it needs to flourish. For starters, I can pull this little tree seedling beside it.

This Ginger is really doing well here. I gave it a small start here last fall and look at her now.

The West Lawn resurrection

If you hadn't noticed, I have not done any work in The West Lawn for a few years. There is a reason for this sad reality. We have lived here for over 11 years, and about 3 years ago we had some tragedy. Our septic system failed. The septic tank is located directly underneath Honey's Petunia Patch. The Petunia Patch is located smack dab in the middle of The West Lawn. Need I say more? It has been a horrible. There is good news however. After a couple years of heartache, an exhausting day of digging, and another day of plumbers and voila. All systems are a go. YEAH!!!! This means that I can now garden in The West Lawn.

You can see Honey's Petunia Patch in the lower portion of the photo. This particular year we planted purple Salvia's, white and purple Assylium and a couple of purple Daisies.

This blooming Viburnam is now located in the backyard.

The Wisteria on the right is now located on the new arbor inside the Lanai garden.

I cannot believe how small the Redbud tree and the Snowball bush are in this photo.

I use to drink my coffee on the swing at the far left of the photo. I loved how the foliage grew up so fast and enclosed The West Lawn into its own secluded sanctuary. The only entrance was through this arbor.

I had recently pruned the Rose of Sharon bushes in the background, but they will fill out soon with the growing season upon us. The Wisteria might be gone from the right side of the arbor, but there are two smaller Wisteria's still there. I might have to wait another year or two before she is back to her former glory, but she is well on her way.

One last sad fact of The West Lawn, is this Redbud tree. She is beautiful, and I waited for years before she would bloom, however this will be her last bloom. She is located too close to the pipes leading to the septic tank. The root system will more than likely damage the pipes and cause us plumbing problems in the future if she is left to her own devices. So sadly I will have to cut her down this summer. I will plant something with a much smaller root system in her place. There is a small part of the tree that I might be able to cut off from the parent tree and replant elsewhere.
This is a Queen of the Night Tulip, that I did not even realize it had survived.