Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tiki time

I tried to give the tiki a chance to grow on me. He didn't. If you remember I painted him after I stained him the first time. I thought it looked to crafty and less authentic. Not that I am trying to toot my own horn by thinking this tiki is authentic, it just looks much better. IMO

I am wondering how many people are going to sit on him during the party.

Regardless, he looks fabulous in the fire pit area. However he needs a name. Only suggestions left on comments will be taken seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Well;I'm going to suggest a name for Mr.TIKI and
    since you have placed him in the fire pit area,he
    will become the watcher of your fires; so what would you
    think about naming him "THE FIRE GOD"...?
    It won't hurt my feelings if you choose not to.
    Well, maybe a little
    Lu,Aunt Lois
