Friday, July 16, 2010

Today in the gardens

I want to start by saying, it has been hot as hell and I am over it. I couldn't possibly get out in the yard to do any kind of maintenance, and that is not a good recipe. I have much to do, but the heat zaps all motivation and energy right out of me when I step outside. It is all I can do to get some things watered. We had a storm last night, which left us with some much needed rain, but it was not enough. I watered everything in the back gardens thoroughly a couple days ago, and you wouldn't guess that I had. We have potential to get more rain in the next couple of days. Lets hope.

I ran across this little surprise in the serenity gardens. This is the Luna Pink Hardy Hibiscus that was started from seed. And a perennial to boot. That is my kind of investment. It averages out to about 25 cents per plant. I have others around the yard but they are not in bloom as of yet. I also have some in red.

Something I say a lot in my gardens, "I have no idea what this flower is called". I know it is an Oriental Lily, but that is where it ends. I have done a little research, and I do mean a little, but I found this Mona Lisa Oriental Lily. I am not convinced this is what I have, but we are getting closer. If you have any ideas, I would certainly love to hear them.

Here is a close up. I am realizing that this photo does nothing for details. I will get another photo tomorrow.

A little update of the daily lives of my Plumerias. I have three Plumeria plants. The successes of all three Plumerias have been all over the map. The oldest one, that I brought back from Hawaii is a smashing success. Both branches are going to bloom this season.

This photo was taken over a month ago.

Right branch as of today. I am not sure you can see the tiny buds in the center.

Left branch as of today. This is what I have to look forward to from the other branch in a month. Lol. It is odd that both branches aren't blooming at the same time. The up side, is that it doubles the bloom time.

The Plumeria that I got at the farmers market last year is in a happy place but with no blooms.

Then we have the newest edition to the family. The white Plumeria that I got from Aunt Lois. I discovered it had root rot last week. So after immediate action I am hoping that she will be rooting very soon. Lets keep our fingers crossed. If it dies, I might not ever get another plant from her. lol I would post a photo, but camera's are not allowed in crisis care. lol

The ever changing face of the Hawaiian Bird of Paradise. She has been a joy to watch. It is almost like she is gaurding the Lanai.

The double purple Datura is blooming again. I never know what I should call her. Datura, Angels Trumpet, Devils Trumpet, Datura Hindu, who the hell knows. I just end up calling her fabulous. I have heard that Brugmansia's are angel trumpets since the bloom is facing down, while the datura's are known as devils trumpets since the bloom is facing up. Really, do you care? lmao

Lord Baltimore has yet to disappoint. Every morning I step outside with my coffee to be greeted with a new bloom.

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