Monday, July 11, 2011

Cleome correction

Turns out we do not have two different purple Cleome plants as I had previously posted.

Purple Cleome

One of the purple plants is really pink.  Who knew.

Here are a few more Lilies that have bloomed.


Our 4 O'clocks are starting to bloom. 

 This is one of the last spots in the yard that needed some love.  It was time I started to do something about this eye sore. 

My sister had some Hosta's that she wanted thinned out.  Say no more, I was on it.  I am planning on putting some large paver's down under the water faucet, and I must get something to hold the garden hose.

It might be unnecessary to talk about the Plumeria cutting so soon, but I can't contain my excitement.

This is the original plant that I took the cuttings from. 

The first cutting to leaf out.

The second cutting to leaf out.

The third cutting to show signs of leafing out.

1 comment:

  1. Bill your gardens were beautiful as was the anniversary party you put together for us,thank you for all your hard work, we will always have a great memory of our 50th anniversary.thanks to all that come and shared our special day. Love Billie and Ray
