The other day was groundhogs day, and the groundhog did not see his shadow. This means an early spring. I can only hope, but more on the weather a little later. I wanted to let you see how the plants were doing in the house. From the time I bring them into the house, until I take them out again, they are usually on a decline. Some years more than others. Sometimes keeping them alive is a challenge. The next couple photos were taken the second week in December. Notice how leggy and pathetic the Chenille plant is looking. This makes me a so sad. It is time for action.

Not to mention, I had to put more plants in here to allow room for the Christmas decorations.

After a little attention and some overworked pruners, they all had a day at the salon.
The Chenille plant got a drastic cut. And she is showing good signs of recovery. Come on spring, she needs the rejuvenation.

The parlor plants are all doing well. This is a west facing window. I enjoy having my coffee here, watching the wildlife outside.

So far, the grow lights have really helped in keeping the plants looking fairly good.

Here is a close up of the Hibiscus blooming. She has bloomed all winter.

This is one of my coffee buddies. She has a nest in the tree right outside the window. I am thinking I need to give her a name. Oh, I know, I will call her Rosie. She sorta looks a little Rosie. I don't know if you watched the Rosie show, but in case you missed it, she had a story about a squirrel that was hilarious. So here's to you Rosie.

And here is Rosie's condo on the right. Fabulous location with sweeping views.

The weather in December was snow, snow and more snow, intermittent with bone chilling temperatures. Great. ugh
lol I do like a white Christmas, but then it can be gone before the sun sets.

What a disgrace.
LMAO OMG what can I say about this. She is in desperate need of a makeover.

A few more things that are a disgrace. Leaving the patio furniture outside, uncovered, all winter.
OMG once again, time management was needed this past fall. But lets look on the bright side. I will have less to carry out this spring, its all out there.

I could not even get the trash picked up. Really?

When the last big storm came through, she brought some serious ice with her.

Awe, the poor furniture.

I cant even comment. All I can say is, in a couple of weeks, she will be reborn.

I did not even cover her.

She laid in the ground for 30 years hopefully she can take one more season without protection.

She refused to bloom this past spring, maybe a little ice pack will make her feel better.

The trees sounded like a giant wind chimes. Beautiful but scary.

The weight of the ice on the limbs would bring tree branches down, and sometimes the entire trees. I was worried about the branch, and the driveway.

Here is a photo taken that night, right before the nasty storms portion rolled in. When the winds picked up all of the ice would end up slamming into the house and windows for hours. I thought for sure that a big branch was going to come through a window at any time. I was especially worried about this branch below, falling on the shed, or worse, one of the vehicles.

This photo captured the moment the best. The calm before the storm.

And here is what it looks like outside over the last few days. Hey, no weeding this week.

When I look at this photo, all I see are the things that did not make it to the shed.

Do you see the pond?

Spring cannot get here fast enough. I feel like we live in the Arctic circle this year. Cold, cold, cold, snow, snow, snow, ice, ice, snow, cold, freezing cold, snow, ice, really? I have had enough.
Time to focus on spring and to do an inventory of what seeds that I have to work with this year. I refuse to buy anymore seeds.
LMAO, OK, maybe a couple of packets, but that is it. Seriously. If I grow all of the seeds that I have on hand, it will be quite sufficient. I have a few projects in the works for this season and a big idea for one serious project. Another greenhouse. How I can even tell you about this big idea, when I have just shown you photographic proof, the condition of my first greenhouse. Well right or wrong, the following is going to be my inspiration for the future, whenever that happens.

How cute is that? This sits on a one acre plot of land she calls
Wyndyacre. Built out of scraps. Now this sounds like the perfect project for me. If I can build something close to this, I will be in seventh heaven. Wish me luck.