It was a little sad to lose this bush, but she was out of control and needed cut back. I was not able to cut her back without looking a mess, so...
It was all for the best. BTW I made sure that there were absolutely no baby birds living in this bush. And trust me, that was a giant pain in the a$$.
Out with the old, and in with the new. If you recall, I posted these plants last fall. They were in my friend Cat's garden. It will take a little time, but they will grow into their own here. Of course I am a little concerned about the Rhodo.
Cat, what have you done. Lmao. She is in ICU at the moment, but with a little luck, she might snap out of it. Any advice on this, would be most welcomed. She seemed to be root bound, but was planted in the ground. I gave her a really healthy drink with some 20-20-20 fertilizer. She is planted on the northwest side of the house. She will get a plenty of light with a small amount of mid day sun. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Here are some more plants from Cat's yard. BTW Thank you Cat for all the plants. I will try my best to get them all to thrive in their new environment. Time was not on my side today, so I needed to get these plants in the ground stat. I first just laid the plants on the ground where I wanted them planted. I had to move them around a few times, but had to just settle with the placement and start digging.
I know that I will have to get the sod between the plants taken up. But that will be another day. I will also add weed fabric and mulch at that time.
Yes they look a mess in this photo. They were in dire need of water.
With the exception of the Lambs Ear, I think they will be fine.
I planted the two Creeping Phlox beside the pinwheel. I need to mention again, that the pinwheels are no longer scaring the deer away.

1 day ago