Millie was not feeling up to helping today.

What can I say other than she needs her rest. lmao

Mike took the first day and put up all the J-channel. Its the little red trim you see in the photo. For all of you who do not speak carpenter. lol

Lots of things to trim around.

The second day he started to put up the siding itself.

We got all the siding finished by the end of the third day.

Mike also got the last little piece of the deck finished. We had to wait to do this piece until after the siding was put up. You can see what I am talking about int he next photo. It is the piece between the house and the stairs. It will also be nice when they get the guttering put back in place.

Mike is doing some last minute touches. All that remains is to reset the light fixtures. The exterior of the family room portion of the house is finished. Yes it is in desperate need of some landscaping and not to mention a walkway in front of the door.

Mike also put back up the board at the end of the eave.

We had a nice crew working today on painting the trim work. Throughout the day we had; Jr and Amy, Me and Honey, Chrissy, Blue, Cat and of course our handyman Mike. We painted almost half the house today. The rest of the painting will have to wait a bit. I am too busy to go back up anytime soon, but if a day arrives, we will finish before winter. Jr is also replacing the top three windows. They desperately need some work but I want them to keep the same style.

I only see one thing that needs to happen in this photo. That is to trim out the vent above the light. I hate how the screen is just stapled on the vent with all the rough screen edges showing. Not very Martha Stewart. LOL

Oh, did I mention, we also need clean up the porch/yard.

Painting up under those eaves was a nightmare. OMG It will look less awkward when the guttering goes back up and the brick is repaired.

The painting we have left. The upper west side. The east and west side of the bunk room roof. We need to finish the upper southeast side. And we have the entire upper south side, but pending the window installation. The concrete man will hopefully be there this next week and I am also hoping to have a day next week that I can get up there and finish the painting. Keep you fingers crossed, or better yet if your able to get up there and do some stroking, by all means. lol